movement research
2020 – ongoing

Maja Renn with various participants

Zürich Tanzt (CH)
Tanzhaus Zürich (CH)
Athens School of Fine Arts (GR)
KREMA Festival Bern (CH)

Tentacular Dreaming is a movement-based participatory research method. It draws upon collective conscious dreaming practices as well as contemporary neuroscience, linking the ability to dream with the capacity for empathy. Using a modular set of somatic tasks and guidelines, the method applies dreaming principles to collective embodied experiences, setting the stage for letting go of patterns and for rehearsing alternative narratives for more response-able futures.

Tentacular Dreaming at Wasserkirche during the Zürich Tanzt Festival (CH), 2023.

Tentacular Dreaming at the KREMA festival in Bern (CH), 2023.

Tentacular Dreaming at the LAB12 of the Athens School of Fine Arts (GR), 2022.


The development of Tentacular Dreaming relies on contributions. If you would like to support this or another project you can use ︎︎︎TWINT or ︎︎︎transfer. Donations to are tax-deductible in Switzerland. We are grateful for any support!


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