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Misia Żurek (2000) - dancer, performance maker, experimental anthropologist. She did two master’s degrees in 2 countries in 2 years - in Contemporary Physical Performance Making from Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (22-24), and in Anthropology from MISHiS at Adam Mickiewicz University (22-24). She was awarded twice with Rector’s Artistic Scholarship (UAM) and with Poznań Creative Scholarship.
She works mainly with performance making, on the border of skill and no skill, improvisation and choreography. She investigates the topic of scores and world making. Her main interests are interbeing, collective inhabiting, anthropology of care, naturecultures, speculative fabulations, remixing and recycling.
She is a former member of Młody Teatr Ruchu, physical theatre collective with which she worked in Poznań, Ivano-Frankivsk and Blossin. She performed at Malta Festival with Michael Douglas Kollektiv, Fama Festival with Common Collectiv, Short Waves Festival, Czas Letni. She facilitated workshop in Berlin, Budapest, Paris and Poznań.
Her recent performance „unstable worlds: dream of love. love is a dream” was presented in Polish Dance Theatre.
She works mainly with performance making, on the border of skill and no skill, improvisation and choreography. She investigates the topic of scores and world making. Her main interests are interbeing, collective inhabiting, anthropology of care, naturecultures, speculative fabulations, remixing and recycling.
She is a former member of Młody Teatr Ruchu, physical theatre collective with which she worked in Poznań, Ivano-Frankivsk and Blossin. She performed at Malta Festival with Michael Douglas Kollektiv, Fama Festival with Common Collectiv, Short Waves Festival, Czas Letni. She facilitated workshop in Berlin, Budapest, Paris and Poznań.
Her recent performance „unstable worlds: dream of love. love is a dream” was presented in Polish Dance Theatre.